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Egypt or land of the Pharaohs is one of the most well-known places in the world. We know most of the information on a primitive civilization called the Egyptian civilization but there is still a lot more to discover.

Now, when we think of Egypt, we think mostly of the Pyramids which are the greatest invention bestowed to the world by Egyptians. These structures have a distinctive shape. They have a square base and sloping sides the Egyptians buried their mummified Egyptian kings and queens (pharaohs). The youngest pharaoh is king Tutankhamen who became king in 1334 BC. When Tutankhamen died at the age of 17, he was buried with a face mask of pure gold over his face! His tomb was uncovered by Howard Carter. For transportation Egyptians used camels or papyrus reed boats. They also did well in agriculture. They used picture symbols called hieroglyphs.

Up to today archaeologists are uncovering more artefacts, thanks to them and modern-day technology we may finally be able to piece together the story of Egypt.
